Look is a Spanish word that means, well, look. Style. And hombre, it's been many years since i've had a new one. So after walking the streets sufficiently to develop a taste for Spanish hairstyle I looked up some words in my dictionary (bangs=flaquillos; layers=capas; blow dry=peinar) and set off to find a decent peluqeria. There are actually five on every block in my neighborhood, so it was a tough choice. The first one I entered had about six old ladies getting their hair done, so I felt a little uncomfortable, and it was so loud that I couldn't hear what the lady was saying. I walked out and down the block to one that looked more hip and private with orange and green paint. After finding mas o menos the style I wanted in one of the magazines and trying to expain it with my non-haircutting Spanish vocabulary, it took her about 15 minutes to cut bangs and layers change my part. And that was that. For 12,50!!!!
So if I don't look more Spanish... at least I have a nice change that the hairdresser proclaimed to be gracioso and chulo after she was done. (Gracioso meaning... something good, and chulo meaning cool in a suave, slicked back hair, black suit kind of way -- not that I look like that.)
Very cool. Very cute. Thanx for showing a picture. Otherwise I wouldn't recognize you when you came home!
Your haircut is really nice, Lindz. All you need is red lipstick and you'll look like a true spanard!
oh my gosh, lindsey miller. you look beautiful and absolutely fab. ive been reading your journal. hehe. sounds like youre enjoying spain and im glad. :)
adios amiga
lauren creamer
Most excellent! Fiona has been taking some flak for her recent short hair cut so she'll be glad to point out the trendy look of her worldly older prima hermana.
I love the do.
I love it! But more...I love that your family reads and comments on your blog. Super cute.
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