Monday, June 11, 2007

Romantic Without A Cause

I am printing out my last English paper. Eight-and-a-half wondrous pages of disorganized thought. It's not nearly the best paper i've written, but it's not often that I concoct the title and the concluding sentence with phrases so cleaver that I finish reading with a sigh.

Sure the vivid descriptions of cooking up may stroke the curiosity of some, but anyone who experiments knows he could end up just like Mark Renton: an addict without a future, emotions without an outlet, wandering with no destination, an 18th century Romantic without any 19th century Victorian ending.

On the eve of my entrance into real life I am strangely obsessed with Trainspotting. A bit of an inappropriate book and/or movie to live by, certainly, but I think they have good intentions. As do I.

I'm going to be just like you.

1 comment:

pdxdanc said...

Congratulations! I knew someone out there had to have come up with the phrase "Romantic Without A Cause," and google says you are the most important, or only one, something (I didn't look, I just clicked the first link). Ummm, so, good job. And actually, good writing. I like randomly commenting on strangers' blogs. That's either totally inappropriate, or charming. I'm not sure which.