Wednesday, April 11, 2007

think more?

I've gotten into the awful, insincere habit of always saying "Good, how are you?" when someone asks me how I am. It's my automatic answer, and it's so hurried that no one could really believe i'm paying attention when I say it, but I say it anyway.

So someone at work, one of my bosses' bosses--part of the design team, he was wearing a vertically striped button-down shirt in lime green, pink, and blue when I first met him--stuck his head over my cubicle wall and said "Hi, how are you?" And because I had just gotten to work--late--and because I had just sat down at my computer and was trying to take the advice of my calming tea, I answered "Good, how are you?" And he said cheerily, "Simply great." And though he asked me a couple of other questions after that, I was so taken aback by his clean and confident answer that I just stumbled through the rest of the conversation, convinced that I should change my rule. Or think more.

1 comment:

Kurt Rice said...

Hey Lindz, your progenitor told me you were back up and blogging. I'm glad.

I usually ask people how they are and when they reply, "Fine," or "Good" I ask them, "That's awesome! Why are you feeling good?" It usually takes a couple of tries to get something out of them but it forces them to think about their true mental state. Now my students actually tell me how they are feeling, good or bad. Perhaps it's a defensive mechanism, but I think many of them now understand I actually want to hear how they are feeling and I'm not just being polite.

Hey, you know I'm blogging as well, so read them all, dammit!