Wednesday, September 19, 2007

when it rains, it pours

I have a job.

Beginning next week, and extending every day from now until whenever I decide to quit, except Federal holidays, Jewish holidays, and weekends, I will be joining the thousands of people dressed in suits who commute downtown to work. I will sit or stand among my fellow commuters for the 45-minute train ride, I will walk the block to my building from the L stop, and I will ride the elevator up the skyscraper until I get to my office. Or cubicle. I am the new Editorial Assistant at the World Jewish Digest.

I'm not sure exactly what that entails yet. But it is some combination of what I want to be doing: writing, editing (and some administrative work).

This comes at a perfect time: just when I was going to have to start applying for more jobs, just when I was getting completely, unalterably bored, just when I was about to run out of money. And because I am so bored, I am using my last two weekdays of freedom to do some freelance proofreading at some sort of company downtown. It pays double the most I've ever been paid per hour.


Monique Geisler said...

ahhh! congrats that's super exciting :) I've been checking up on here since your interview post to see what exactly happened! Can't wait to hear about it once you begin.

Me! said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats!

Debbie said...

That is wonderful Lindsey!