Friday, December 14, 2007


It's amazing to me that the last couple mornings I have managed to go through my morning routine and, 40 minutes later, find that I'm walking out of the train at the correct station. It's similarly amazing that I turn the corner and the clock on the bank overhang miraculously reads 9:00, no matter how long the ride seemed to take (without it ever really registering in my mind). For the past weeks the clock has been religiously reading 9:10 whenever I turn that corner, no matter how short the ride seemed. Nevertheless, the way I mark my book, close it, and put it away at the stop before mine is really more of a reflex... and the way I walk to the correct place to get on the train in order to get off at the correct place is not something I think about. My mind is replaying my evening or thinking about the book I was reading or anticipating another unmemorable day at work...

1 comment:

Kurt Rice said...

You may actually be experiencing some form of special relativity shift.