Monday, July 24, 2006

It's 2:49 p.m. on my perpetually slow office computer clock

That's high time for a siesta in Spain and i'm tired. I used to complain about siestas all the time because a three-hour break in the normal business day does not leave much room for getting things done... but now that I work 9 'til 5 i've learned that there is ample time to get things done during any one of the long hours before 2:00 and the high mid-afternoon after 2:00 is nothing but sleepy and dragging. But Americans don't know how to rest, thus my newspaper's office is still open, all the cars are still zooming by the streets of downtown Santa Barbara, and I am expected to work. And, being the good, diligent employee I am, I do. But i'm still tired, and I sit here in a highly air-conditioned office in temperate Santa Barbara wondering what it's like to work in hot-as-hell Sevilla.

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