Monday, July 03, 2006

To my lovely loyal travel companions:

I'm on my way home...

A couple suitcases to pack, a couple goodbyes to say, and i'll be on my way.

Despite the long, gentle slope I've walked in preparation for my departure (the past two weeks since i've been back from my trip or the past six months, however you want to think about it) it feels abrupt. Like I haven't enjoyed myself enough yet, like I still can't say "euro" and therefore haven't mastered bilinguity, like I still haven't been to Ronda and Merida and Portugal even though I wanted to go... of course there will always been things left undone, which I guess gives me all the more reason to return. Coming home, of course, facilitates a return, finishing my major and preparing myself to get a job and make money so I have that option. In any case, after the long preparation i'm looking foward to leaving already and getting my summer going!

I'm also looking foward to seeing most of you soon! And of course, my travels don't end here. Reimmersing myself back into American culture, I can imagine, will be an adventure in itself. Until then... un besito.

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