Monday, November 05, 2007

harmless addiction

It's 3:45 and I'm drinking my cup of pomegranate white tea as fast as I can, hoping I can catch the faint wisps of pain brewing in my forehead before they become an aching caffeine headache that can't be cured with pain killers.

I knew this would become a problem a few weeks ago when I was looking forward to that soothing and awakening cup of tea each morning when I arrived at work. And now that it's gotten cold, it's extra nice to hold that warm cup, swirling with (fake) milk, and check my email.

But Saturday I didn't have my customary cup of caffeinated tea in the morning, and was struck with a pounding headache at 4:00 p.m. that didn't go away until I broke down and had a cup of English breakfast tea with dinner.

I don't like addictions. I don't like withdrawal headaches. But I love tea. And though decaf herbal tea is delicious at times, I prefer the whites and blacks and greens that usually come with an added dose of caffeine. It's not that I need the caffeine (though my addiction insists that I do), it's that I like the warm liquid in my hands and in my belly on a cold day.


Jesse said...

Welcome to the club :-)

lindsey said...

But I don't want to join the club! I say this as i'm on my second cup of tea today. It was in the 30s this morning! I need it! But as I hear at least 5 times per day from different people who have previously experienced a Chicago winter "This is nothing."

Rent a Car Pune said...

Nice Blogs
have a nice day
Al yoz