Just in case you're in doubt that i'm actually in Spain, here I am. In Spain. Goofy looks are universal.
I'm standing in front of Plaza de España, which is one of the famous landmarks of Sevilla. I don't have a good, classic picture of the whole building, but it's rumored to have been used as a model for some of the sets in Star Wars. It looked as if it is being used for goverment offices now, and some of its beauty is obscured by fences everywhere that say, roughly "Sevilla: Construction from a dream" (somehow I doubt that any kind of construction in Spain is fast... much less from a dream). Reguardless, it's still magestic. The plaza is situated in Parque de Maria Lousia which is full of hidden treasures, statues, gardens. Next time I go i'll bring an extra battery. :-)
OMG Linda! There's water exploding from your head!
You look very Spanish in that picture. Are you sure you didn't dye your hair??
And Paige, by "Spanish" you mean "goofy?"
No!!! No!!!!
I just meant that her hair looks darker and she looks adapted to Spain, her expression has nothing to do with it.
Red lips and your good to go.
Dare I wonder what it was you were thinking as that shot was taken?
...mmhmm, mmhmm, yeah. We can see how much I retain from using your blog o.O T'was I, the anonymous one. Not some stalker, for sure =D
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